Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
First of all I kind of have to correct this printing on fabric myth I created here XD actually with the new printer I was able to scan & print the stuff from my sketchbook. I used a normal print on paper to then trace the artwork on the tote bag with Posca Pens and fabric paint


@rafa: I think you're totally right. Thank you, I will!

@Clockodile: Yeah, that's a good way to do it. Problem is though that sometimes I get more depressed because I think I didn't improve enough orz Glad the awkward poses are getting better. I'm having more fun with them as well, imagining them gets easier. Gotta do a lot more though. Thank you ~

@Sam: Thank you! Actually what helped my motivation a bit was getting back to my most loved medium again for a while XD

@Paca: Thanks so much! Glad you like it! And you're welcome! I'm totally happy if I could help in some way! (:

@Tygerson: Thank you, so glad you like it!

Okay, so in my last post I wrote about being frustrated, it didn't really get better and I just really felt that I was being way too tense about everything. I have this habit to take everything too serious sometimes. I mean you see so many great artists online, so much improvement, and then I just want too many things too fast. Idk.
I figured that getting some kind of a break would probably the best thing, so that was what I did. I can't say that I'm fully cured now, but at least I got some distraction and a fresher view, fun and motivation are coming back already. I think that it's been a very long time I hit such a low so I guess it can only go up from now.

I think what also really bothered me was that I was totally neglecting my watercolours. Most of the artist advice says that you should find what you are passionate about and work with that. For me it's watercolours (next to comic art stuffz). When I worked with them again after what felt an eternity I really noticed just how much I missed them. I don't hate working digitally, but I still enjoy traditional work more. The thing is, I was kind of forcing myself into working digital, because, yeah, I'd like to pursue a career in art as well (don't we all) and I figured I probably can't compete with traditional work, not to mention that it feels extra hard with my clearly comic-inspired style (depending on where you want to work, but still....) So in my head there's always this fight traditional - digital and I really wreck my brain about it and I can't find a solution. Maybe it's just a false perception of me, but I guess for concept art in games or movies you might have the best chances as a digital artist. At one point I was so foolish and told myself "I'll just do such mind-blowing traditional artwork that nobody can say no" maybe foolish but it seems to give me a bit of motivation somehow. I still need to get the hang of digital. I'm not giving up hope that maybe one day I'll like it as much as I like watercolours. Until then I just mustn't forget to paint with my watercolours once in a while. Anyway, it also just shows that there is a lot of mind mud for me to sort out and settle, hehe.

Only a small update today, no studies because I was doing this break thingy, here's stuff from life drawing, last time before summer break

[Image: lifedrawing_31_02_2014_by_cyprinusfox-d7s20u7.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing_31_01_2014_by_cyprinusfox-d7s20u8.jpg]

Poses felt kind of repetitive this evening, so I decided to paint the girl sitting in front of me. Turns out this is the best thing I've done during the session

[Image: lifedrawing_31_03_2014_by_cyprinusfox-d7s20u3.jpg]

Slowly getting back to some studies, on the left some after Kim Jung Gi and on the right is stuff from photos

[Image: limit_001_1213_by_cyprinusfox-d7s20u1.jpg]

And some stuff from imagination, last one is one of these art trading cards, watercolours

[Image: lio_mech_lines_by_cyprinusfox-d7s253h.jpg]

[Image: lio_mech_by_cyprinusfox-d7s20tu.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_by_cyprinusfox-d7s20tp.jpg]

[wayofbrush is my art tumblr where I dump most of my stupid sketches and stuff and the occasional animu and mango fanart]

So, see you hopefully soon with more stuff and more regular updates again <3



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 07-25-2014, 12:22 AM

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