|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Rafa: So cool GIFs!! They really help clarifying how to work in color, and I didn't know that dude! KILLER WORK he has up! And yeah man, you got it about the still lifes, I kind of don't know how to approach it and I just lose patience. Sadly this is a consistent problem when I'm working anything that's not really basic values with lines cause that's the only thing I've worked on for like 5 years haha. And yeah, that druid fucking sucks, so I'm reworking the whole idea from scratch, as a challenge and see if I can get things done without giving up for once in my life hahaha.

Nikt: Thanks for dropping by and the compliments mate! And yeah, those values are awfull! :P

Lyraina: So much good advice. And yeah, living in the middle of nowhere has its advantages, but staying away form th computer is not one of them, because it's my only window to the world , so it's turned on 12 hours at day, at least :P. I have taken your advice to heart and praticed what you suggested, I'll try to work on all that stuff for about 7 days, and it's gonna be a challenge, cause thumbs and values are basically my worst enemy.

Well, I basically have focused on reworking the druid piece from scratch, done some thumbnails, which have been a nightmare because I lack patience and knowledge so it takes a toll on my focus:

[Image: druidthumbnailsbampw.jpg]

After that I did an overlay layer and roughly tried to plan colors, but I feel they're very inconsistent and I just realise now that every one of them have cold+warm hues, maybe it would be a good idea to work exclusively in warm or cold and learn how the respective hue correlations? Any advice on how to build consistent palettes is appreciated although I'll research it on my own anyway :D

[Image: druidthumbnailshues.jpg]

And a redesign for the druids face I sketched loosely that I quite like:
[Image: Sketch002.jpg]

Also, I went with the fruit theme for a still life and took 4 painstakingly hours and a half getting it somehow polished, funny how the light changes all the time and you have to find a midpoint. Althought I'm happy cause I'm starting to see color with more accuracy so it pays off:

[Image: stilllife004.jpg]

That's it for now, I'm off to do some studies, nice to see you all folks posting so much awesome stuff on your SB, it motivates me to go out of my comfort zone and do my best! ( even if I fail :P)


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 08-05-2014, 12:02 PM

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