|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Lyraina : Hey! Glad to see you drop by! well, the stress I'm having is the kind of thing you really can't do anything about. Part of is is that my dogs are sick, specially the little one, and she's trying to basically open a huge wound on her stomach by going nuts day and night, meaning I have to keep an eye on her every night, and cut my workflow to take care of her, which really fucks up my focus ( this happens every 20 mins or so, all night long). the other is that I'm living in the worst fucking place in the world, aside from war zones, to study art. There's literally nothing here, nothing at all, it's like 40ºC all day long, on the cool days. And lately I had important stuff, like my main computer, getting broken, meaning I will have to undertake a 7 hour trip to the capital to get a new one, and tons more of this kinds of issues for the tiniest, most common thing in the rest of the world. So yeah, my only choice is to keep going and trying to do my best to not go nuts.

I'm glad the art progress thingie made you laugh hehe, I'm planing on doing one of the art jokes every week, to do something diferent so keep an eye out for them!

And yeah, you guys are right, part of my problem has been this tunnel vision type of mentality where I obsess over stuff that will get solved on its own over time, so I'll be taking it easy in the meanwhile :)

Well, thanks to the cool feedback I got I got pumped and motivated again, and got back to studying and shit, here we go:

[Image: warmups008.jpg]
[Image: Facestudy008.jpg]

Then some face/value studies, accuracy still sucks but I'm starting to understand how much a limited value range can improve workflow and form readability:
[Image: Facestudy009.jpg]

I listened to Alex Negrea level up session and decided to start doing design studies every day, cause my understanding of clothing, armor, complements and all that shit is quite limited, so for today, bandoliers, just focusing on understanding, no fancy drawings or shit:
[Image: designstudy001.jpg]

And finally, application of all of the above ( kinda diggin' this one, even if it sucks :P), some dude in Syberia, in the 1930's or something:

[Image: Experiment005.jpg]

I also started reworking the CHOW piece following Bjulvar's advise, but it needs more work to be shown, so maybe tomorrow I'll have a significant update.

Anyway, thanks guys for the feedback, it always helps me keep my head where it's ought to be, keep on pumping them awesome drawings and paintings folks, see you tomorrow!


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 08-22-2014, 11:19 PM

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