|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Hey fellas. Failed to pull off more than 7hours....again. Meh. Well, there we go:

60 sec gestures, I keep forcing mself to use the tablet cause I have to learn how to use it ( eventually xD), so here's this shit, more quantity than quality I guess:

[Image: warmups009.jpg]

After that I tried a memory study, at which I failed big time. basically just open a pic on the browser, check it out , and try to reproduce it with as few lines as possible without looking at the ref. I think I'm gonna do more of these , cause they help to remember angles and shit, but the results are a disaster:

[Image: linestudyweirdthing.jpg]

The obligatory ( sitting on the shitter because I drink too much coffe) sketch:
[Image: sketch004.jpg]

And a couple 45 min face/value studies, failed too, although it's kinda my fault, I have a tendency to try and study "shity light" scenarios, in which the light sources are all over the place, or the pic is really small, or shit like that, I keep telling myself that if the ref is bad, maybe I will learn more, but looking at the previous sets of studies, in which I used well defined ilumination setups.....I don't think I'll do this again:

[Image: Facestudy010.jpg]

Also spent a bunch of time watching art with attention and thinking on approaches and shit. Was gonna do some application of the studies when my pressure sensitivity on my super pro BAMBOO PIECE OF SHIT decided to go on vacation, so, nothing more for today, I guess that not everyday is gonna yield good results, at least I learned something.....I guess.


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 08-24-2014, 11:16 PM

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