|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Rafa: Yeah man, to some people it sounds like a lot, but if you think about it, most people dayjob is at least 8 hours, and I should do at least that, so I guess it's kinda justified. ( WE'RE NOT OBSESSED, NO!!!! xD) Thanks for the double line suggestion man, I saw that a long time ago in some people on ca, but never tried it, it's really a good idea, cause it forces you to realise what line you're doing by repeating it, I think I'll do that on the linear gestures from now on. And thanks about the faces man, but there's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go till I get a clue xD

Nikt: Thanks man! Gotta keep grinding hehe. Today there's a little update, tons of work to do on it still.

crackedskull: Thanks! I'll keep them up, they seem pointless at first, but somehow I feel that taking notes and doing those simple drawings help a lot to remember stuff, also great advice, I'll keep it in mind :)

Today I VANQUISHED my 7 hour study time for the first time in two weeks, and I intend to keep it up, I don't even know how much today, but a fuckton more, that's for sure xD

Gestures, I have decided to also do "painterly" ones to warm up for painting and getting a better sense on silouhette and quick overall values, kinda helpfull, also the double line ones are really good for learning, although I had to extend to 90 secs cause I take longer ( granted):

[Image: warmups011.jpg]
[Image: warmups010.jpg]

Face studies ( quickies, failures) they suck, but I didn't really wanted to study today so the result shows my lack of comitment I guess:

[Image: Facestudy012.jpg]

Chubby Sam:
[Image: Facestudy011.jpg]

Speedpaintings ( the funniest part of the night for sure) did some cliché priest and another iteration on courrier six fron fallout new vegas:

[Image: speedygonzalez001.jpg]
[Image: speedygonzalez002.jpg]

Design studies, focusing on bandoliers and pouches cause I love that stuff, these actually take more time than it looks like, cause I focus a lot on understanding and not so much on drawing:

[Image: designstudy003.jpg]
[Image: designstudy002.jpg]

Update on the CHOW piece, based on Bjulvar's awesome advice on comp, unafortunately I'm pretty sure that I set myself up for failure because the light kinda sucks, and I'm working on mostly super dark values, so I have to still improve readability and shit, also need to add some accesories, put some details, blah blah blah. I kinda hate this painting by now, but I'll keep working at it just because I'm stubborn I guess:

[Image: ChowPainting2.jpg]

And a quick filter/ color idea to see what I might do when I'm done with the values:

[Image: ChowPainting2playingaround.jpg]

That's it for tonight, I don't like the results but I like the workflow so I can't complain. Hope everyone's happy and motivated, take care folks!


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 08-25-2014, 11:53 PM

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