|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Rafa: Hahahaha I laughed so hard when I realised the man boobs thing xD Thanks man, you're gonna be seing a fuckton of pencilwork this week, I'm gonna pospone color for later for now.

Nate: Yeah man, it's like a bad cold , a pretty annoting one at that. Thankfully I seem to be getting back on track, I'll keep my fingers crossed! By the way, in case you didn't save the link from the tutorial on the stream, here it is again: http://vegarblack.deviantart.com/art/Mak...-343443919


[Image: FarnsworthGoodNews_zpsb5a378dd.png]

My foot seems to be healing allright, and not only that! I also have changed my schedule ( now I go to bed at 6pm and wake up at midnight) to be able to get some sunlight every now and then. After this whole chaos week I had I'm back on track, which is vital if you wanna keep a steady workflow, so we're back to daily updates, yay!

After lots of thought I decided to face the truth: my shit sucks and there's a reason for that. I lack a lot of fundamental knowledge, specially regarding basic shape understanding, so I've decided that instead of juggling 5 things at the same time I'm gonna focus exclusively on ONE thing, and I'm gonna do it in the medium I'm more comfortable at ( pencil if possible, photoshop if necessary) so I don't get distracted with pointless stuff.

I've started with face studies + application, this is what I did today, I condensed it into 2 pages but in truth it's about 2 heads per page, so it was quite a productive day. I'll be doing these until I feel comfortable enough with facial structure, and then jump into value understanding. BTW I signed in Sam Nielson's schoolism course, so all of this preeliminary work is also intended so I can focus on just values and color once the course starts on October 31st.

Well, too much text and too little images so here we go.


[Image: 11.jpg]


[Image: 12.jpg]

After this first day I feel like I'm REALLY learning for the first time in some time now, so I'm kinda pumped to keep at it, of course, tons more of work to be done until I get a hang of it, but I feel progress, which is always good motivation.

Anyway, that's all for today, see you tomorrow with the next batch, take care folks!


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 09-08-2014, 10:01 AM

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