Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@Hypnagogic_Haze: Thank you so much! I hope I can soon work with the new colours on a big illustration. Thank you for the advice concerning meditation. I will try to include those little moments of awareness and mindfulness into my day!

@rafa: Haha yes, omg. Time runs so fast these days, I don't know what's happening. Thanks so much, so glad to hear that!

@Egbu: EXACTLY! Although, joke aside, I really think sleep is important. Recently I also heard that no matter what, you can't catch up on lost nowadays I think twice if I want to pull an all-nighter or not...

@Suira: Thanks!! Glad you like those watercolours and thanks so much for the heads-up concerning the obliques!! I'm still so oblivious concerning must of muscles and anatomy, so every pointer and hint is very much appreciated!

@Lyraina: Thank you so much for your kind works, I'm really happy you think that my work has personality, that's a big compliment! And I'd love to see you do some watercolours, I'm always happy if I can "infect" someone with one of my favourite mediums XD About the comic, Although I have the plan to eventually print it once I got something together, that will probably still take a century. I'm going to post it online though, but haven't decided on a site yet. I'm probably going to leave a link here once I do though. Thank you for the interest! <3

So here's some stuff I did over the last days, it's not much and it's all over the place, but I'm going to post it anyway. I miss working with colour and I already feel the urge to get my tablet out again. I apologize for the bad quality of some of the pics, I only took photos of the life drawing pictures and for the other stuff, my sketch pad is too big for the scanner.....

[Image: lifedrawing_37_2014_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7yvbpj.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing_37_2014_02_by_cyprinusfox-d7yvbp8.jpg]

Lifedrawing was a bit difficult this week because it was the first time after summer break. I couldn't go to the other place because when I had time to go there they were on holiday break there orz So I feel a bit rusty...

[Image: tbook_02_by_cyprinusfox-d7yvbo7.jpg]

Was inspired by other daggers and wanted to try some hel-looks.

[Image: practice_chairs_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7yvbop.jpg]

Chairs. For...errr...the visual library.

[Image: tbook_04_by_cyprinusfox-d7yvbn0.jpg]

I wanted to deepen my knowledge of the face with face planes, because I really need to understand it better to create more diverse characters and also for better shading etc etc...however, my brain was on overload very quickly with this. I feel like I have a very hard time remembering everything. Gotta repeat more until it sinks in.

[Image: tbook_03_by_cyprinusfox-d7yvbo3.jpg]

And some stuff from imagination!



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 09-12-2014, 08:02 PM

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