|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Lyra: Yeah, breaking the copy habit is proving to be a hard task, but I'm slowly succeeding to break it, and I gotta say that getting your own interpretation of what you see in paper feels much better than just an uncaccurate copy :D . Also the studies are starting to pay off, and that gives me more resolve to keep on struggling. And I'm glad you like the confidence hehe sometimes I mess it up, but I really am starting to enjoy taking bold decisions. And yeah that dude came off kinda wonky but I'm starting to experiment with a somehow caricature approach to kind of grasp how far I can get it before it starts to look non realistic. Glad to see you drop by as always :D

Archreux: Haha yeah man, the struggle! I think I have discovered a way to kind of reconciliate blocky studies with organic feeling, which is a mix of asaro + reference + organic from imagination ( while keeping in mind the structure but not making it the dogma). Let's hope it leads somewhere, I'm glad you dig man :D

LaleAnn: Thanks man! Tons of work to do still, but you know how it is, baby steps :) And yeah, the noobie to pro is proving to be accurate, I'm getting fatter by the day, so I guess I'm also geting better slowly hahaha.

Meat: Thanks! I'll keep my fingers crossed in the hopes you're right man :)

Well, today procrastination won the battle again, just six hours of work, while I spent 11 hours in front of the computer :P Anyway, I'm not so concerned, because taking it easy is helping me to have more brain power to really sink in the lessons I'm learning from my studies, so no guilt trips lately.

I've been focusing on what makes faces look copnvincing and what are the basic shape groups that convey believability, kinda hard to tackle , but I think it's starting to yield some results. Also I have discovered that leaning towards exageration is actually a pretty effectiv method. You start really gestural, and then gradually tone it down to more realistic proportions and stuff, funny how I've always run away from caricature and now it's proving to be the thing to do to get it sorta right hehe. Well, here we go:

First, a couple of quick asaro setups from memory to see what I'm learning of pure structure, simetry is kinda off, but I was surprised to see that most of the planes where quite accurate:

[Image: 28.jpg]

Then, a referenced asaro profile study, and a quick breakdown to remember it:

[Image: 27.jpg]

Then some heads from mind, kinda wonky, but somehow better than the ones from yesterday:

[Image: 26.jpg]

And finally the referenced studies focusing on basic shape groups and value reads:

[Image: 25.jpg]

And that's all for today folks, more to come tomorrow! :)


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 09-12-2014, 10:54 PM

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