Dasia's Sketchbook- because university isn't tough enough
Welcome to the daggers!! What a fantastic start to your sketchbook, definitely keep up the Peter Han form studies - its only gonna get better from here!
Hamptons good, Vilppus good, Loomis is good, they're all bloody good - I would actually recommend any and all anatomy books and videos - it seems tiresome, but no one man is right in the end. Anatomical construction is just a combination of ideas over the generations. You sort of have to feel your way around life drawing anyway, so taking bits and pieces from all of these masters lessons will help in the long run.
But hey its up to you xD (I ramble a bit as well haha)
Oh and quick gestures as a warm up before you study is also something I suggest :)

Anyways, love the work, welcome once again to CD and I hope you enjoy your stay!

sketchbook | pg 52

I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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RE: Dasia's Sketchbook- because university isn't tough enough - by smrr - 09-14-2014, 08:28 PM

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