Digital Study for a Painting (NSFW)
Hi guys! New here. Thought I'd get right into it with what I'm currently working on!

I'm doing this oil painting for class and I mistakenly thought I could survive off a rough sketch and fill in the details later. Guess I'm just not quit there yet on my skill tree.

I took a quick photo and started doing a paintover on Photoshop but I'm worried I'm already working off way too problematic figures that I'm not seeing things straight.

I could use some fresh eyes.

They're not meant to be completely nude. I'll have them covered up in a jiffy with some armour here and there. I just wanted to figure out my figures first. (That, and I don't quite know where I'm going with this painting yet.)

Oh, and this particular assignment is to paint a "diamond composition", which you can see from the crude diamond drawn in the original photo. Do you think it works? I got the go signal from my professor but I'm worried I'll lose it when I start correcting all my errors. I also plan to make it more obvious with contrast and junk later. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

[Image: overpainting_wip_orig_by_realgoodpizza-d87u9dh.jpg] (Original)

[Image: overpainting_wip_1_by_realgoodpizza-d87u9dr.jpg]
[Image: overpainting_wip_2_by_realgoodpizza-d87u9dp.jpg]
[Image: overpainting_wip_3_by_realgoodpizza-d87u9dn.jpg]

Thanks for checking this out! Any crit would be so appreciated!

Messages In This Thread
Digital Study for a Painting (NSFW) - by Anisia Villamejor - 11-28-2014, 12:03 AM

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