The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Eduardo Garay:Thanks mate!,
tbh i'm thinkin about just restarting the whole piece, I got really back into it recently but I could'nt figure out a way to get it to all work together, plus I think I might be able to do a better job at it now as I started this atleast a few months back, I dunno I might see if I can fix it as it is or I might just lower the oppacity on everything and just use the original as a base.

And yes Krenz is awesome!, I think i'm doing a decent job at analyzing his pieces just not sure how to best apply it all but yeah i'd love to have them studies and, thanks man :).

Bookend:cheers man, I think proportions and shapes are probbly my biggest issue right now, shows really well in them observation drawings i'm doing XD.

Been a while since I updated, i've been having issues with one of my arms which has been causing some pain and stoppin me from drawing as much, I still have it but it has'nt been causing as many problems the last day or two...that and I maaaay have gotten way to addicted to shadow of mordor, but atleast I can damn well admit it! XD.

I'm gonna really try to get better at anatomy for a while, I think it and observational drawing are my biggest problems, my head drawings are way better by comparison, but what good is paintin faces if you're just gonna put them on top of stickmen XD.
Anyway I began Proko's new anatomy course and i've been recappin alot of his figure drawing course as well. I also decided to start doing gestures and observational anatomy drawing daily.

Heres some of them gesture drawings, not sure if i'll keep posting these, but I figured I should upload some in case anyone see's any glaring mistakes, it's been a while since I drew any so the first few are pretty rusty but I think the later ones got better.

Also did some edits to this(thanks for the crits Eduardo) made everything a bit more vibrant and messed with some values a bit.

Proko beans! i'm awful at these things XD.

Ctrl paint assignment

A thumbnail for a spec ops the line painting, been trying to figure out a way to do some fanart for this game for a long time, it's seriously one of the best if not the best use of storytelling in the videogame medium i've ever seen. Gonna do a few more of these and see which one sticks.

And more awful observational drawing, i'm awful at these I can't seem to keep my arm still while measuring, so I end up measuring the same place a shitton only to find out in the end it was still wrong, incredibly frustrating but eh no running from it, still gotta get better at it XD.
Anyway first one was a failure I gave up on halfway, second one I tried to follow the step by step proko one so it came out much better, and the third while I think the top half came out pretty well, I was gettin problems with my arm by the time I got to the bottom and ended up rushin it :/. still I feel i'm gettin better at this, I think alot of my problems are coming from gettin the overal proportions wrong in the width and height.

Few heads I did while bored, and also a head I painted looking up, it's been a while but I think I did most of it without ref and then used a bit of ref near the end, and yes I know how wrong the ears are XD, could'nt get them lookin right and then I could'nt find good ref for an upwards view of the ears and ended up just leaving them in, as it looked weirder without the ears.


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RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 12-16-2014, 10:33 AM

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