JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Stardust & Lale Thanks so much guys, your comments and support mean more to me than you can imagine.

After drawing so many skulls I felt really foggy, like couldn't think how to draw anything but skulls and was too scared to try and draw faces in case they looked as screwed up as my ones before... broke through by just doing some building studies, kinda random ones but playing with value and lighting and design. Was pretty fun.

Managed to develop a good workflow for doing these illustrations. Doing thumbnails, then an ortho view, then a big, accurate perspective drawing, then doing an overlay of that and adding the shadows (ideally I would do that on the same page as the persp. drawing but I am a bit shaky with shadow constructions still). After that I rubbed charcoal all over the back of the page, put it over some watercolour paper and traced out the lines, leaving a tiny faint charcoal line drawing which I could ink over. Erase the charcoal, and paint with watercolour (painting ended up screwed up but the process is pretty solid I think). I know I could do it in digital too, but I like the option to do it traditional all the way as well.

[Image: VWDju9o.jpg]

Some heads, finally built up the courage to try these after my skull studies. The first page are a little shaky still, second page (bottom 3 heads) seem better. They were so hard to draw... have to think so hard it hurts my head but I can just keep pracising with this method now I think to get more confidence and instinct around it (please let me know what you think - do I need to study something else / try a different approach or just keep hammering out these heads? - thx!)

[Image: 2F4uSqC.jpg]

Going to spend the next week or two focusing on anatomy and figures (as well as heads, like always). Got to catch up my figure drawing to my perspective skills, then I can start to put characters in scenes and finally start on my goal to do comics.

[Image: i86V679.jpg]

Comic book creator
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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 03-03-2015, 07:09 AM

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