|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
Sup guys. Had a pretty slow week, still wrapping up all the stuff that needs doing in RL. Anyway, most of what I've done this week has been experiments that turned out really wrong, fails, brainfarts, etc.

More than half of my stuff has been pages in the sketchbook, which I ain't gonna scan cause it's more of the same shit I use to put up and it's boring, so here you go with a study and some crap:

[Image: 3%20hours%20sweet.jpg]
[Image: FAIL.jpg]
[Image: crap%20002.jpg]
[Image: crap%20004.jpg]

Oh, also, here's my last assignment for Sam's course, I was supossed to turn it in more than a month ago, but he was kind enough to allow me to turn it in after moving. I initially did a quick comp and idea with the theme and everythang, but it was lame as fuck in every way, also this was before I realised how to use "fake effects" so to speak:

[Image: Assignment%209%20WIP%20b.jpg]

And here's the revised final, which I honestly quite happy with ( specially the comp) it obviously has a lotta flaws and is very improvable, but it's the first painting I do where I feel I have been able to translate the idea from my brain with accuracy:

[Image: Fernando%20Suira%20Assignment%20IX%20b.jpg]

Anyway, being honest I could and should have worked harder this week, but hopefully i'll recuperate my workflow soon enough. Hope y'all are doing great and learning a lot, hmkay bye! :D


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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 03-20-2015, 09:10 PM

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