The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Another update!

More chiustream sketches, these are actually really damn fun, I have a big problem with drawing from imagination, I find it hard to get out of that study study mode and even then I find it really hard to let go of using reference or even coming up with ideas so this aproach has been very helpful.

And more work on this...honestly just trying to finish this now, it's far from perfect but i've spent waay to much time on it, i'm mainly just trying to sort out the guys face can't get it lookin even decent especially the mouth which looks like he's had a lipjob XD, I don't think it's as noticeable here since it's a smaller copy though.
Also whatever I do next i'm gonna try and get it done faster and severely limit my values, I tried to do that somewhat here but I think I went out of control with them here as well, I think stylizing it more here would've worked to it's advantage actually.
Think i'm going overboard with the values and I think it's one of the reasons why I spent so much time painting this(about two months or so of painting now, most days). Anyway rant over XD, just venting.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 03-22-2015, 01:08 PM

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