Growing pixels: the perseverance sketchbook
Nice discipline mate! I would give you critique, but i will not. i'ts dangerous stuff to play with if the other person has to get influenced by it in incorrect way. It's similar to a book where two persons get different understanding from the same reading. Instead critique, i will give you recommendation to keep doing studies continuosly, it's what makes you better and will for the rest of your life. Studying continuosly makes you become more analytical, you'll start to ask questions and look for answers, once you know the answer, you've learned something new and you can apply the knowledge whenever you need to. The main idea is becoming very analytical, it's one of the crucial skills in order to becoming better. About painting i cant say much, for the last tree years i was primarely only drawing and focusing on fundamentals with traditional media. From the drawing point i can recommend focus mainly on the form. Form is everywhere, everything you see is a form, made out of a box,cylinder,cone,sphere or combination of those called complex form. With form comes perspective, without understanding perspective you'll never be able to draw form well. Knowing how to draw a box in perspective, rotate it and so on.. will unlock this skill. Right after that you can draw things from your imagination, what's even better.. you can draw correctly the mighty "cross-contour" over form and you can shade things with much bigger accuracy thanks to the cross-contour. Cross-contour will be your guide to show you how the form turns in what dirrections and so you will know, how much it goes away from the light source and how fast it turns away. In my case, the form is overpowered tool for the artist and it's zone where the third eye is slowly opening :P in short, light strikes rays and rays hits the form, from the form the rays bounce and hits your eye and the brain renders a "image(2D) or true reality(3D)" you see right now and all happens in perspective. If this stuff is a bit crazy, dont get discouraged and jump over it, come back different time and read through again. Myself can read the same book 30th times and i will always find a new puzzle.. Above all, have fun and love what you do, that's the most important, it's your drive for the rest.

Btw look at my stuff here: it covers the fundamentals of the light>form>perspective principles..

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RE: Growing pixels: the perseverance sketchbook - by nymph0 - 04-07-2015, 09:39 PM

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