Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Hi Everybody!!!

I'm still around! I actually didn't mean to neglect the daggers for so long, it's just that real life happened. I hadn't been feeling to well at the start of the year to begin with and in March my grandpa passed away. He had been hospitalized in February and ever since then it had been a difficult time with a lot of bad news coming in. I practically grew up at my grandparents and I have a very close relationship with them, so everything has been a bit slow since then. I didn't do a lot of studies, I didn't draw or paint a lot in general the last weeks. In between I sat down and tried to finish at least some stuff for the conventions, because at the moment I could use the extra income and my family convinced me that my grandpa wouldn't have wanted me to sit at home and miss all the opportunities.

I'm already beginning to feel better now though and I need to get back into gear for real. First of, the replies!

Also good things happened, because I met Lyraina at one of the events! Thanks again for saying hello I was so pleasantly suprised <3

I kind of totally forgot about the illustration with the chameleon orz

@bookend: Thank you for your advice!!! I didn't think of that little guy but it's really a good idea! I'll take it into account when I pick up the illustration again.

@Samszym: Sam, I'm so sorry you even took the effort to make some thumbnails with suggestions for me and then I never replied ): Of course I don't mind, it's the contrary!!! Thank you so much for these. I'm sure I will pick up the subject again and then I'll try to work in your suggestions, they are pretty helpful! <3

@Eduardo: Thank you so much. You don't know what it means to me if you say it reminds you of Inoue-Sensei, because he's like my hero. Thanks for stopping by and your suggestions!!

@mindwrack: Thanks to you too! I'm glad you like my stuff so far, I hope I can update more often again x)

@pnate: Thanks so much for stopping by here again and your kind words! Thanks for your suggestions for the chameleon piece, I will consider them when I pick it up again!

@Jaik: Thanks so much for your nice words and suggestions!! And no problem, I hope I can have a look at everyones sketchbooks again soon (:

@Suira: Man, thank you so much for your compliments, I'm glad you like this stuff! It means a lot hearing it from somebody so skilled as you!!!! And you're totally right about the crit. I feel very weak when it comes to painting, and that's probably the reason I avoid it most of the time orz I must go past my fear and do a lot more studies.

So what I'm posting now is some study stuff. In an effort to get back into things I made a tumblr for my studies only and wanted to post something every day. Of course I was too ambitious and failed the first weekend I had to work out of town, where I didn't really find the time for studies or drawing in general. I'm still trying to keep this as regular as possible, because so far it really helps. Some are really rough because I didn't have much time, but it's better than nothing probably.

[Image: crimsondaggers_a_by_cyprinusfox-d8r467n.jpg]

[Image: crimsondaggers_b_by_cyprinusfox-d8r467f.jpg]

And here's some imagination/personal stuff done....I have done some other sketching I just didn't scan anything, really...

[Image: tumblr_njtkej7wsg1qli39so1_1280_by_cypri...8r46jf.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nn9hrv7xtq1qli39so1_1280_by_cypri...8r46j1.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nk1204ywlk1qli39so1_1280_by_cypri...8r46j9.jpg]

I'd really appreciate some help with the last one and the chair, maybe a redline? When I did this thing I realized I don't know anything about perspective. I didn't use reference for the pose itself but I had a look at people sitting on chairs, still I totally managed to mess it up, despite establishing a vanishing point @___@ idk

I hate to write those long posts orz I hope that I can get back into a better rhythm, post more often and have a look at everybody's sketchbooks soon!!!



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 04-26-2015, 11:55 PM

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