Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Thank you for your kind words, Lyraina! I'm already feeling better bit by bit, adjusting takes of course time and some days are worse, but it's going up.

It's good you bring that "studies are not about something pretty" back to my mind! Somehow I tend to forget that or I fear that it looks sloppy. I get so darn impatient sometimes though, like "why does it take me more than 2 hours? I need time to study other things, too". Maybe you know that feeling, too?

Thanks for your feedback about the chair pic! I thought that the seating looked kind of strange and off. Another friend said that the perspective looks kind of extreme, or better put, unusual? Like we don't usually see a chair from that perspective??! I can't actually believe I'm struggling over such a simple issue. But I've always had problems with perspective and above all, where to exactly put the vanishing point and horizon to make the perspective look natural. I need to do more studies and reread about the topic. I sometimes wonder if it's because I've trouble with 3D view. My oculist said my ability to view 3D is working fine but it's a bit of slow. That shouldn't really affect my 2D pictures though. I put the picture on my to-do-list for this week to have a look at it again.

Last week was fairly unproductive, because I was tortured by dental problems, which got worse after I went to the dentist. I've got another appointment tomorrow morning though and I hope this time it'll help XD Besides the stuff I'm posting I also did a little gift painting for a friend, but it's secret until I give it to her.

Some digital studies, rather quick, doing these mainly to learn about colour.

[Image: 29042015_study_brucebanner_by_cyprinusfox-d8s48ol.jpg]

[Image: 30042015_study_bikinichick_by_cyprinusfox-d8s48oe.jpg]

[Image: 30042015_study_church_by_cyprinusfox-d8s48o9.jpg]

I swear I have no idea bout architecture stuff, haha. X_X

[Image: lifedrawing_2015_kw18_by_cyprinusfox-d8s48pm.jpg]

I still go to lifedrawing every week! Last week we had a pregnant model, which was an interesting change.

Stuff from imagination:

[Image: newoc_by_cyprinusfox-d8rhfgm.jpg]

It's been a while I did something digitial from imagination. Right as I'm posting this it looks like his left eye should be moved down a little bit.

And scans from my sketchbook. I started sketching more often again. I feel like I'm not moving forward a lot atm, like I'm stuck. I need to move outside my comfort zone more and more, even if it will look like crap in the beginning.

[Image: pistolenbuch_004_by_cyprinusfox-d8s41a9.jpg]

[Image: pistolenbuch_005_by_cyprinusfox-d8s41a3.jpg]

[Image: pistolenbuch_006_by_cyprinusfox-d8s419z.jpg]



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 05-04-2015, 10:34 PM

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