The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Smrr:Damn right i'm a fan of banjo kazooie XD, think it was the first game I ever actually played atleast the farthest back game I can remember playing, that or OOT, still one of the best platformer games of all time.

I don't actually find studying drapery that hard tbh, anatomy is waay harder it's not as loose as studying drapery where you can kinda design the folds more if you know what folds need to go where, still not that good at it yet though so it probbly gets harder XD.

Thanks a ton for the paintover I really appreciate it, I was keepin the contrast really low on purpose due to a crit from Istebrak back when I did them first form studies as I was using waaay to much contrast, gone the complete other extreme now it seems XD, tried to add more contrast in areas where I think it's needed, I don't want to overdo it again but it's defineitly popping out more then before now.

Eristhe: Cheers dude, did'nt know vilppu had a book on lighting and values i'll have to check it out sometime soon.

Eduardo:Thanks for the crit dude, made some changes to the hunters anatomy as you said, think it's lookin much bette now, also nah I don't plan to colour it, I was thinkin about doing so mainly because I could paint an awesome lookin blood moon then but bloodborne is such a grey game that all the attention would be turned to it I think.

Whats up guys, thanks for the comments :)

Done alot of work on the bloodborne piece, trying to keep some contrast but mainly in the focal points.
Someone pointed out to me I was starting to put a bit to much emphasis and detail into the buildings, so I decided to add a fog effect under the cliff to minimize it, think it worked well and it means I don't have to spend ages trying to paint complex buildings XD, they still need a bit more work though I think.
Think the piece is coming together a bit more now, I need to figure out how to render though, I have no clue on how to detail the body and foreground and the values are lookin a bit muddy in parts I think, hard to figure out which areas will be darker then the other when the light is'nt hitting either of them.

Also added some eyes and a nose to this skull, think I tend to make the eyes too large i'm not kiddin they were almost twice as big as this before I had to gradually shrink them and I STILL think they are a bit big.

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RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 06-25-2015, 11:31 AM

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