Movie/Short Film Recommendations!

I know there's a thread that's called Movies and TV shows, but that's more of a discussion thread about whether you like the movie/show or not - and I figured I wanted a simple movie recommendation thread - because well, I really love movies, but there are so many that I haven't seen... and I mean, I'm certain you crazy Daggers have seen a ton of cool movies/short films/cool shiz on the internet... so why not recommend us some, yeah?

Movies/short films/cool clips from YouTube - you know, anything that gets the inspiration going!

Help a Dagger out? :D

I'll put down a couple from the top of my noggin that stuck with me:

*Premium Rush
*People In Motion (Documentary about parkour)
*Battle Royale
*Kung Fu Hustle (couldn't find a decent trailer. But shit, I love this movie)
*Katedra (The Cathedral)  - short film
*Sidera - opening and closing sequences - +

Edit(s): fantastic suggestions everyone <3 I'll be sure to get to these when I have the time.

Fck yes Amit, no obvious blockbuster movies here! Aaaah, this is so good because there's a number of movies I've been meaning to watch but had forgot about them... now they're here!

Oooh, Z, lookin' forward to that Ant one. Ants be so bloody interesting!

Woah, Farvus! I didn't even know Ridley's son was in the creative field. Animatrix sounds real good too. And yasssssssss love me some Fight Club <3

Kurt, hell yes I'm into weird, random humour! :D I also really enjoyed Journey to the West <3

Tristan, ohhhhh snap! Great stuff, there are movies in your list I'm ashamed of not having seen yet! appleseed, I'll be sure to check that one out first o: and Hobitt, haha I just got have Lawrence of Arabia! I _need_ to watch it o_o but yeah, I remember doing a couple of movie still studies from it and man, the composition and colour schemes really blew me away!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

Messages In This Thread
Movie/Short Film Recommendations! - by smrr - 07-23-2015, 09:46 PM
RE: Movie/Short Film Recommendations! - by Farvus - 07-24-2015, 06:47 AM
RE: Movie/Short Film Recommendations! - by Hobitt - 07-25-2015, 08:54 PM
RE: Movie/Short Film Recommendations! - by John - 04-10-2016, 05:48 AM

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