Learning to paint with crayons- Maturing at Art
finished bachelor thesis. new goals ahead. notes later.


-artistic composition(shapes etc etc)
-light and material fundamentals(MTG level)
-solve drawing problems(anatomy, construction etc)
-working cleanly/high finish(MTG level)


Improvement System:
-structural figure drawing
-painting from life(color, light)
-designing composition(light, value, shapes)->pencil thumbs, color thumbs, value thumbs(story, mood, narrative, design)
->pattern harmony+effective narrative
-lighting/rendering fundamentals


[Image: ZXzQW6i.jpg]
[Image: LuN0aXP.jpg]
[Image: 81Yf9qX.jpg]
[Image: mKS9sBI.jpg]
[Image: oy4jrGX.jpg]

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RE: Learning to paint with crayons- Maturing at Art - by Hai - 07-30-2015, 07:04 AM

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