Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Hey everybody!
First of, replies!

Thank you so much for your kind words! Means a lot. Stylized, yet semi-realistic is actually really the kind of style I'm aiming for so I'm more than happy to read that you see it that way! Shows me that I'm heading in the right direction!

Thanks for your kind words and the advice concerning the backgrounds! I think I'll soon collect some reference and do some paint overs, to get a feeling for eye level and stuff (I seem to have trouble with it). Not sure though if I want to sykpe yet during studies. Right now I feel like it will distract me to much and take the focus away from the studying. Maybe later though! I was also surprised to see you coloured sketches from me!! x) I always like to see such stuff. Also the colours you used are interesting. You used colours and combinations I wouldn't have used. Btw, if you search for linearts for colouring practice, I stiill have some linearts saved on my computer!

I can only say it again: Watercolours need some practice, but it's very rewarding x)

Thanks for visiting my humble sketchbook! I'm glad you can find inspiration here, as I sure do so in yours! Also, thank you so much for your kind wishes! I'm being optimistic, it can only go up from here!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you like my character work. It's clearly my favourite field. You're totally right about the finished pieces ): they get fewer each year, I really have to do something about it, as well as the work outside my comfort zone. I hope that the chaos which engulfed me the first half of the year is now finally over and I concentrate more on art again.

Glad you like my watercolour works!


So, the extraction of my wisdom teeth was okay and it's healing well, just some minor stuff here and there that's still bothering me, but all in all I'm good! I hope that now I can finally move on to the most important thing, namely art! Just need to see how I can balance everything with my current work but there'll be a way.
Please excuse the tiny update today, I need to get back into the swing of things now.

[Image: 20150716_0001_by_cyprinusfox-d93fvvv.jpg]

Some digital studies from photos done a while ago. I'm still not used to doing this kind of stuff digitally. Also, I had studied arms already a while ago but I always feel like I forgot everything. WHY

The past few days I had an artist friend staying over (fun times!) and of course we went out to draw and paint a bit.

[Image: 20150729_study_outdoorpeople001_by_cypri...93fvuz.jpg]

Sketches done in a café. My pen was almost out of ink ):

[Image: 20150728_pleinair_001_by_cyprinusfox-d93fvvk.jpg]

[Image: 20150728_pleinair_002_by_cyprinusfox-d93fvvc.jpg]

These two paintings where done en plein air with watercolours and a bit of gouache. FINALLY something out of my comfort zone. I hope this is the starting point for a lot more stuff that challenges me and helps me push myself a bit harder.



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 07-31-2015, 01:42 AM

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