Wacom Cintiqs and Alternatives
So for the past few months I've been wanting to get a drawing tablet where I can see what I'm drawing where I'm drawing it, aka a Cintiq. Unfortunately I don't really have $2000 to spend, so I'd rather spend something around ~$800 at the most. So I was wondering if anyone else had a Cintiq or something similar, and what you guys would recommend. I'm also curious because I'm a little worried that I'm falling into the trap of, "if my art supplies are better my art will get better," and I'm wondering if a drawing tablet with a screen is as nice as I'm being led to believe.

I've narrowed my options down some:

The Wacom Cintiq 13HD: http://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Cintiq-Inter...rds=cintiq
The most expensive at $820, but will probably be the best quality, and has the best review.

Yiynova MSP19U: http://www.amazon.com/Yiynova-MSP19U-Mon...ds=yiynova
Cheaper at $500, good reviews, but and it comes with a dorky glove I would totally use! :Y But one review I watched mentioned it using a VGA cord, so I need to look into it more since my current laptop doesn't have a VGA port.

Huion GT-190: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LA0N..._pC_nS_ttl
Worst reviews of the three, cheapest at $450.

What tablets do you guys have? Is it even worth it for me to get one of these? It probably won't at least six months until I get one of these for me to save up money but I'd love some input.


Messages In This Thread
Wacom Cintiqs and Alternatives - by ZombieChinchilla - 08-05-2015, 01:27 AM
RE: Wacom Cintiqs and Alternatives - by Lodratio - 08-05-2015, 01:58 AM
RE: Wacom Cintiqs and Alternatives - by Adam Lina - 08-05-2015, 06:09 AM

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