Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@ Adam: Yes!!! I hope it will be. This year's been so chaotic, and I'm so tired of it by now. I hope that I can finally find a good rhythm again (:


So why is it that always, when I work out a plan and a schedule, something happens that totally destroys's like murphy's law, probably. Also, it's been so unusual hot here and it really affects my productivity. Hm.

A lot of boring stuff this week....figures and figuring out perspective. I feel really bad that I'm so behind on a fundamental topic like perspective. It's really embarassing, and sometimes I feel pretty hopeless, because it seems like my brain can't process this information. I'm being very frustrated with me and my results, but I guess I somehow need to power trough it. Being frustrated also means that I'm out of my comfort zone which is a good thing, because
I'm learning something/ challenging myself (HOPEFULLY).

[Image: 20150812_0006_by_cyprinusfox-d95qrz3.jpg]
From photo ref

[Image: 20150815_gestures_0001_by_cyprinusfox-d95qryl.jpg]

Gestures from dancing videos

[Image: 20150815_0003_by_cyprinusfox-d95qrxu.jpg]

left from imagination, right from life. The thing at the bottom is my I Pod stand and it's been a struggle. I'm not going to leave this thing alone though because it feels like a good study subject to me. Definitely will be going back to it.

[Image: 20150815_0008_by_cyprinusfox-d95qrys.jpg]

More of the stand and figures. The construction stuff concerning the figures is copied from Krenz, from  his study material that he posted on deviantArt back then.

[Image: 20150815_0007_by_cyprinusfox-d95qryx.jpg]

Bridgman/Hampton. Don't know why I didn't continue here, either I ran out of time or it was too hot. I really want to deepen my anatomical knowledge, hm.

I want to add some colour to this post so I'm posting some stuff that is a bit older. My friend gave me his gouache paints a while ago because he won't use them anymore, so here's some stuff I did, ACEO-size

[Image: kakao_211_gouache_experiment_01_by_cypri...95qrve.jpg]

First try, in combination with watercolours because I was too afraid to use the gouache paint for skin.

[Image: 20150615_gouache_0001_by_cyprinusfox-d95qrwm.jpg]

Second try. I noticed that I don't know anything about facial anatomy and so I can't paint it. Back to studies, it is.

[Image: kakao_209_yellowfire_by_cyprinusfox-d95qrvn.jpg]

Posting this because I kind of like how it came out, I thought I could maybe add something I'm not as frustrated with for a change as well! XD

Planing to continue studies on backgrounds and perspective this weekend. Let's see how this goes.



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 08-15-2015, 07:29 PM

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