Beyond 1-point perspective: How do I use this?
Only parallel lines converge to the same vanish point in the horizon. In both images you traced several lines that are not parallel; therefore they would never meet in the same vanish point in real life.
As you have guessed, since in life not all objects have parallel lines to each other, there will be multiple vanishing points even if most of the lines fall into the "1 point perspective" category. So when you are drawing from imagination, the 2 top things to keep in mind are to make sure all your vanish points sit in the same horizon line and that they are properly spaced in relation to each other. Ofc, the more complex your perspective and scene become, the harder it gets to predict all variables, and there are many others.

You should check a book called "Perspective Made Easy". It covers pretty much all the basics of perspective in a very simple fashion that is  beginner friendly.


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RE: Beyond 1-point perspective: How do I use this? - by cesartalves - 02-22-2016, 05:41 AM

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