Hello. Is this the place with the art people?
Hey everyone. I'm a 23yr-old ...software engineer ...sigh... currently residing on the west coast of the United States. After being bored and depressed out of my mind by the 'top 10' cube farm for the past 2 years, I'm thoroughly disillusioned with the software industry as a place where I can better myself. Shoulda seen that coming, huh?

I want to recapture the creative spirit that has gone out of my life and finally acquire the skills to capture my visual thinking on paper (or a screen). I'm about as good at art now as I was in middle school, which is just shameful. To be fair, I was pretty freakin' good for a middle-schooler; I'm benchmarking against what I could have been had I seriously dedicated time to art in the intervening decade, and the amount of wasted potential infuriates me deeply.
To reclaim at least some of that potential, I am embarking on a focused endeavor to get as good at illustration as humanly possible, starting from zero. 

I am currently two weeks into DrawABox, with the short-term goal of shoring up my fundamentals enough to be able to take the intro CGMA classes this coming May (assuming I can get in).

A person I deeply respect recommended this forum as a place to keep me accountable, so here I am. Looking forward to improving with everyone here!

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Hello. Is this the place with the art people? - by OneSketchMan - 03-14-2016, 12:00 AM

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