the struggle to get into art school/university
(09-13-2012, 04:02 AM)Saraiza Wrote: Thanks everyone for their feedback!

I am pretty set right now on not trying to apply for graphic design anymore. Like most of you said, it is something really different than what I want. And Art schools are most times not the place to really teach you something.

I just try the normal way, teaching myself and drawing every time I can, hoping someday I will be good enough for the industry :)

The Crimson Daggers are my art school now :D

so, let's close this thread. thanks again.

After surfing the forums I saw this thread and wanted to get a word in, Yes I agree with sick brush completely. I went to school for a year and a half and what I learned is how to teach myself and some fundamentals. That was 4 years ago, for me I've thought about going back to a North American Uni course and get a BA in fine arts. However, the fact of the matter is the only reason I would do that is to achieve a piece of paper in which it makes it easier to get a work visa in other countries ( to my knowledge/XP ie the U.S.)

One major thing you have to take into account if you haven't already, is that like me your competing against people that are graduating from those schools that have been grinding for 4-5 years....with a possible 20k+loan. As much as a house....-.- They MUST at all costs get a job.

For me, in my experience I've reached a point where I know that school would just be a time sink and it would be only for the certification. In the end its really up to you and what your happiest doing .

"Sometimes the grass is greener til you have to cut it."

Check out FengZhus work, Gnomon DVDs, The Rydian workshop,, and CD of course! There's some courses that are offering flat lump sums for quick mentor ship courses. Anyways good luck and glad the CD could help !:)

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"

Messages In This Thread
RE: the struggle to get into art school/university - by Kolbenito - 09-09-2012, 04:22 AM
RE: the struggle to get into art school/university - by StolenSky - 09-13-2012, 03:11 AM
RE: the struggle to get into art school/university - by joerdenleigh - 09-13-2012, 12:30 PM
RE: the struggle to get into art school/university - by johnelijah - 09-15-2012, 01:08 AM

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