Four Witches - An Illustrated Novel
So I've been struggling with updating for a little while, but about four days ago I realised I was going about producing work all wrong. Because of this I've finally got a few things to show, although not as much as I was hoping. Regardless, I've started writing first and then illustrating the characters afterward, rather than trying to create a world with very little to go on initially. Here's to greater productivity I suppose!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments by the way! It means a lot.

I'm not going to bother posting the actual writing since this isn't really the place, although if anyone has any experience editing or fancies reading it I'd be happy to pass it along. Just promise not to laugh.

Initial silhouettes - this was before I started writing and I feel they're pretty unfocused. Now that I've started getting stuff down I'm getting a better handle on it all.

[Image: 2013_07_06_silhouettes_by_annahollinrake-d6cyxve.jpg]

First character sketches -

[Image: 2013_07_09_lennthumbs_by_annahollinrake-d6cyxv7.jpg]

WIP for an illustration for her at the moment, although I'm not that impressed since it's not particularly dynamic. Crits and advice would be really useful -

[Image: 2013_07_09_lennpaint_by_annahollinrake-d6cyyfw.jpg] @

Messages In This Thread
RE: Four Witches - An Illustrated Novel - by hollinrake - 07-11-2013, 08:57 PM
RE: Four Witches - An Illustrated Novel - by Jaik - 09-25-2013, 06:40 PM
RE: Four Witches - An Illustrated Novel - by JulieJean - 10-02-2013, 08:11 AM

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