Assasin/rogue style character help please!

Hey, thanks!
Yeh i thought I'd go with a bit more of a dangerous look rather than refined.
Hm ok I'll give that a go with the other arm- I tend to get the base shapes in and then kinda doodle from there and try out some ideas, but I'll give detailed sketching a go :D
Great point with the boot, its essentially a placeholder at the moment. The idea that I have for it is black metal with horns and bits coming up her leg and a horn at the toe. Think daedric armour from skyrim- that kind of thing.
Will see how it looks and keep you posted, thanks very much for the crit!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Assasin/rogue style character help please! - by Buber - 07-21-2013, 07:16 AM
RE: Assasin/rogue style character help please! - by Wardy - 07-21-2013, 10:22 AM

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