Treetop Highway - Progress Critique
Newcalibre - Awesome! Thanks again! Regarding the linework - thanks for calling it out. I was hoping I could get away with thick lines because I always felt a little uncomfortable drawing thinner lines in photoshop. But if the line thickness affects the way the image looks, then I should definitely reconsider drawing with thinner lines for better clarity.

Great idea hitting the rim lights on the insects. Definitely gonna have that in the final. Lighting the foreground characters with a local light source sounds good to me too. A torch might add a nice colour accent as well. Definitely going to consider that near the end. (I'll be adding the characters and caravans last)

I really like the fact that you made the foreground tree smaller and added the depth at the bottom. Originally in my head, that tree was an extreme foreground element and I wanted it extremely dark - but I think it would have ended up looking "flat". Looking at your paintover now, I think this version is the way to go!

Again, thank you so much for taking the time man - it's really helping me out a lot!

Here's my progress so far. Trying a different process. It's the Feng Zhu method where you toss in a bunch of random photo textures to get some colours and values to start with. Then you start cleaning up and fixing the values and details to suit your composition.

This method of painting took a while to get used to because it kind of works opposite from my original process - which is just to block in colours and slowly detail up. This method you kind of do it "backwards"? You have this overwhelming texture and detail to start with and the idea is to tone it down and make it not look like a bad photoshop collage.

The good thing I noticed about this method though, is that because you started with photos - the colours are more "photo-realistic"? If I were to pick my own colours, I think they would have ended up more stylized and "cartoony".

So anyway, 2 days left. Going to try my best to render it as far as I can go until then. I'll just turn in what I have and will probably work on it more after the deadline.


Messages In This Thread
Treetop Highway - Progress Critique - by LongJh - 11-02-2013, 12:39 PM
RE: Treetop Highway - Progress Critique - by LongJh - 11-06-2013, 11:43 AM

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