Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
Oh woah pixelovely has a head tool!?! I have to check that business out, thanks for the heads up! (punintentional)

I think in those fast head drawings you should shift your focus to nailing the direction the head is facing in space and describing it in simple forms; a sphere with the sides lobbed off for the cranium, a mask-like shape for the face, a block for the cheekbones, a wedge for the nose, two large spheres to represent the eyeballs and orbicularis muscles. Not features. Features come after the structural stuff, and if you don't get to features in 30 seconds that's fine, they're not the most important things to nail.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Would you like to come up and see my etchings? - by Samszym - 02-24-2014, 08:39 AM
RE: Would you like to come up and see my etchings? - by Sean McCLain - 10-18-2014, 03:33 AM

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