Donations for the server with a tournament?
I understand where you're coming from, but I'm not sure if this is the kind of mindset you want to encourage.

The reason why tournaments that exist just for the sake of learning and having fun with group activities aren't a thing anymore, so far as I can tell, is that the mindset people have when it comes to how they spend time on the internet has changed.

The reason why this shift in mentality has taken place should be pretty obvious. Social networking is about creating a network with you as the centre. Facebook wants you to feel like people recognize you, not make you recognize them. Youtube, Twitter, tumblr, etc., all push that same message: 'You're pretty cool and people should pay attention to you!' Individualism is nice, but when it's taken to the extreme it turns into a general attitude of selfcenteredness, which translates into the death of community as a concept. People are too concerned with getting exposure for themselves, and noone wants to be a part of something bigger, because everyone's busy fighting their own fight. I think that's the kind of attitude tournaments with prizes promote as well.

It's up to you of course. If you believe that having big tournaments again is worth the prize, then go right ahead. Maybe you have to move with the times. Who knows, something good might come out of it after all.

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RE: Donations for the server with a tournament? - by Lodratio - 02-05-2016, 10:37 PM

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