What helped me stay BASIC SHAPE fit, was to take a sheet of printer paper or Colllege rule paper. Next, from one corner to the opposite corner draw a line. Next do the other corner to make an X. The purpose is to use your whole arm to develop speed, and lose unecessary habits of relying on fingers to move across the surface. Next, eyeball a plus through the X taking up the whole page and draw the big + filling the page end to end. Continue the pattern until lines start accidentally overlapping. Use your arm like a stick for circular motions. The best tool by far is the mathematical precision of Geometry. Geometry is only one level above introductory Algebra, and this means either CURSES(because you you found Algebra easier), or HOORAY (If Algebra didn't make sense, shapes usually do) Also draw it on trash paper to give yourself a BASIC shape challenge so your imagination is not restricted by the visual barriers created on Parchment Refuse

Messages In This Thread
Shapes - by Vimes - 04-13-2012, 10:49 AM
RE: Shapes - by Osiris0721 - 04-14-2012, 12:03 AM

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