Roanna's sketchbook AKA Negative Space
Here is my update for the personal piece. Finally, I'm happy with the colors. But, again, it's a long way to finish. I've only started to paint his body, it's like some kind of color-mapping or so. But forest will be as is. Although I've recently commented on Baldgate post about "busy background", here I'm doing the same mistake, it's also too busy. The only thing to mention in my defence is that I'm painting more or less with Russian approach (from back to front), hopefully this should help me to put all the reflections and additional colors in place.
Maybe after working on the figure it'll come forward, but I dunno it's a very first time when I'm starting from the back and literally doing some. Also painting forest was sooooooooooooo satisfying and meditative... Oh my. That made me want to buy oils and go for the plein air studies.

Sketchbook (^_^)
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RE: Roanna's sketchbook AKA Negative Space - by roanna - 05-07-2019, 04:59 AM

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