Gerben's Sketchbook - Sharpening the axe
Phew Global Game Jam successfully finished. Here's the game we made in 48 hours. 

On to studies. 

Unknown artist. Clouds and blue skies are very challenging for me. Almost anything with high chroma I noticed, I feel much more comfortable in low saturation. Scale, color balance, everything is a bit off. Quite sloppy. 

Saw this picture somewhere in a CD sketchbook and thought, neat! I painted it without using construction or 3D underlay (which is what I would do usually). I'm always fascinated by the amount of bounce light at the bottom of things. They seem much less pronounced when just walking around the real world.

"No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself." - Seneca

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RE: Gerben's Sketchbook - Sharpening the axe - by gerbenpasjes - 02-02-2021, 05:49 PM

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