The Pen is mightier than the sword

As an introduction to my sketchbook I will tell you what my idea of my goal is:
I want to make characters and maybe buildings that "look cool".
By that I mean that a non-art-person should look at it, not knowing how it is done, but finds it "somehow cool" or "somehow appealing".
I am such an non-art-person myself and this is how I determine, if I like an artwork or not:
If it is "somehow appealing" I like it, but I have no idea what the rules are to make it so.

I also see a very strange contradiction in this topic, because on the one hand everybody has different taste and maybe one person likes an artwork and another person does not like it. But on the other hand there are "rules" that can be applied that make things "generally appealing", because such rules are used in everything like product design, in the making of movies, of advertisement and so on.
So it is a weird contradiction. There are rules, but also everybody has their own taste.

Whenever I post something and you know how to make it more appealing, especially when you know a good teacher, a good online-lesson, the specific rule that I could apply or anything like that, feel free to tell me how to make the thing that I tried to do more appealing. Or you can also give any feedback you think is helpful of course!

So here I have my first pictures. These are some 2 minute Life Drawings from Photos from the internet.
My goal was to make them as quickly as possible without drawing everything very time-consumingly detailled.
Very rough, very quick and get it down, but capture the essence of the pose.
This was my goal on these pages.


Messages In This Thread
The Pen is mightier than the sword - by Pensword - 01-01-2024, 09:54 AM
RE: The Pen is mightier than the sword - by Lege1 - 01-23-2024, 06:54 AM

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