So...let's talk about Time Management
I'm pretty awful at managing my time even though I have pretty much all day to do art I can end the day with 1 page of drawings and have no idea where the rest of my time went. i've tried schedules before but i'm no good at making them and i've never liked or been able to stick to them anyway they usually make me feel like I have to rush what i'm doing like its some sorta deadline.

I'll have to try writing down what I do through the week like you suggested Aks sounds like it might help me out a bit.

Also like Petyo's idea of just focusing on one specific subject for a few days at a time, might try that except rotate it everyday.

I think my biggest problem at the moment though is more a lack of focus then time though, I feel like i'm sorta chasing my tail at the moment and studying the same things in the same ways over and over again.


Messages In This Thread
So...let's talk about Time Management - by Tyrus - 05-24-2013, 02:14 PM
RE: So...let's talk about Time Management - by Petyo - 06-01-2013, 09:07 PM
RE: So...let's talk about Time Management - by Petyo - 06-01-2013, 10:05 PM
RE: So...let's talk about Time Management - by Petyo - 06-01-2013, 10:25 PM
RE: So...let's talk about Time Management - by SpectreX - 06-05-2013, 05:16 AM
RE: So...let's talk about Time Management - by Triggerpigking - 06-05-2013, 06:06 AM

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