Need Opinion About this illustration
It looks really nice, the only thing that I an really say about it though is, what is your focus?
My first take of it tells me the focus is the rain.
If this were in a series, like in a comic book, I would say that you had accomplished your goal.
As a standalone illustration though, it really doesn't tell much of a story, just looks nice, gives a mood..
If you put a person in it, you could start telling more of a story.
Someone could be standing at the bottom looking up at the building, they could be in the building, or you could put someone on the top and use the fish eye effect that you have going there.

I hope this silly little post is helpful! Your painting does look nice already, so keep up the good work.

Messages In This Thread
Need Opinion About this illustration - by oxiso - 06-20-2013, 11:39 PM
RE: Need Opinion About this illustration - by greyskill - 06-21-2013, 12:24 AM

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