Sketchbook of Studies,Sketches and Ideas!
Welcome (officially) to the group, Carl! It's good you stopped that dangerous "when I'm better" mindset and jumped in. After all, this group is about getting good, not being good!

As for the skin rendering, how you do it depends a lot on how you want the skin to look. For women and children, smooth/softer skin looks better a majority of the time. You would use a soft round for that for example(not that it is the only option.) Men tend to have rougher skin so you might use a brush that has a lot more "grit" to it.

I think a lot of the "texture" you want will come from lots of experimentation and practice. Knowing when to stop blending so you don't remove brush strokes, having enough there that it doesn't look completely smooth, knowing which brushes work best for which results, ect. Trial and error!

Hope this helps and keep posting! (Great job on the throat in the second sp btw!)


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RE: Sketchbook of Studies,Sketches and Ideas! - by atrenr - 08-07-2013, 10:17 AM

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