Improve or be annihilated! dhArt Sketchbook.
Hey Dennis, I can see you have many cool ideas that are bursting to come out!

I read your comic, cool stuff :D - my only crit with your characters is that they look a little stiff at times, but that's an easy thing to work on - just need to start pushing out lots of gestures, maybe make it your morning warm-up e.g. draw 100 gestures from and really try to understand why the body contorts the way it does to account for weight distribution, etc.

Some advice that helped me a lot with drawing gestures and people is - imagine yourself in such a pose; where would you feel tension and energy shooting out (i.e. line of action). If you still can't *feel* the pose, get up and replicate the pose yourself. ^ ^

Also, I believe what kikindaface said couldn't be any more true ~ once I *switched* on thinking in a curious, always questioning type of mindframe, I've come to understand a lot more about the fundamentals and I'm starting to find different ways to apply this understanding through simple observation.

So yes! Keep it up, Dennis! Lovin' that Outlast fanart... even though he's such a scary son of a... uuughh *cringe* c:

sketchbook | pg 52

I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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RE: Improve or be annihilated! dhArt Sketchbook. - by opkluu - 08-26-2013, 12:52 PM
RE: Improve or be annihilated! dhArt Sketchbook. - by smrr - 11-03-2013, 05:11 PM

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