Pablonotpicasso's Little Sketchbook O' Fun
DeLeonxxx- Thanks, man! I wouldn't say I have patience so much as I can get obsessed over little details and they bother me to no end if not done right. I've been checking out the resources part of CD, definitely want to take my time and go through all of Dennis Kutsenko's links.

Rognoll- I loved the Men in Black show when I was a wee little babby, so that definitely shows through. Plus like DeLeonxxx said, looking at a lot of artists' work can get your mind going with designs, and as long as you come up with your own original work, that's a great way to get inspiration. I agree with you though, I need to be less intimidated by landscapes and improve there. I'm currently doing landscape studies in gouache both from life and from photos, that seems to help a bit. I'lll post those here once I have a decent amount.


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RE: Pablonotpicasso's Little Sketchbook O' Fun - by PabloNotPicasso - 08-29-2013, 05:42 AM

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