Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@Archreux: Thank you so much, glad you like them! I hope I won't disappoint in the future, as I want to try getting a bit looser with my sketches to overcome my perfectionism >_<
Thanks as well for the feedback on the chair piece. I didn't get back to it as planned this week but hopefully I'll have a look at it next week again. Sometimes I feel just like "mreh, this is old, don't wanna go back to it", but I really want to figure out what might help this picture so that I can do better next time.

So, what happened last week? Not much because my dental problems lasted trough out the week, although I went to the dentist. Basically it's wisdom teeth stuff and in June hopefully I'll have an appointment with a specialist to discuss their removal. The problem for me is the gum and inflammation, BUT it looks like I found a solution for my acute trouble, and today I'm already feeling much much better than the rest of the week together so I'm being optimistic! I swear I hate having stuff around the head i.e. teeth or eye because it distracts me so much and disturbs my concentration. I tried to watch some tutorial videos though, so hopefully I'll remember a thing or two.

So here's some stuff I did:

[Image: 04052015_study_samurai_by_cyprinusfox-d8sux2n.jpg]

Study from my ref book I once had the insane idea to make a study of every single pose in the book. Maybe I should take that up XD

[Image: 10052015_study_nosetradtiional_by_cyprin...8sux20.jpg]

[Image: 10052015_study_nose01_by_cyprinusfox-d8sux26.jpg]

During the week I did a little digital doodle of my OC and there were so many parts of the face I really struggled with, above all the nose, so I did some studies today to have a look at it closer. It actually worked and I had an aha! experience about a misconception I held about the plane between the eyebrows. I have to say that the aha! experience really really fueled my motivation for studying again. Although in the end I didn't really manage to put it to good use in my application orz

[Image: milcompare_by_cyprinusfox-d8suwxg.jpg]

On the left the original version, right is the version I did after I did the studies. It's still not 100% but I'll go back to this one until it's at least decent to look at. I think at least the tip of the nose is a lot better. Also, I have yet to find a style of semi-realism that kind of fits me and that I thing I'll have a look at is probably the mouth. Right now I also see a ton of other things...going to fix them with the next installment.

[Image: zombiedude_by_cyprinusfox-d8sux1s.jpg]

I wanted to take part in crimson revolver challenge this week, but my wisdom teeth said NO ):
I had so many ideas and thoughts for the character but I didn't manage to do more than this very rough and initial sketch here. When I did this I also thought: What are proportions?

I'm trying a new method to understand my messed up time management better and see where my hours mysteriously disappear as well. I hope it will end up with me being more productive, also because there's a convention in 2 weeks where I'll have a booth...



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 05-11-2015, 01:31 AM

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