JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
No probs man, and wow Alan Moore, I aspire to something like his work!

I was in a pretty low life state when I wrote my last post. Since then I chanted and prayed a lot and was read this quote at a recent meeting (it's Buddhist stuff but I think it makes sense to anyone):

"The Devil King of the Sixth Heaven attacks the forces of good with his 'ten kinds of troops'. The 'ten kinds of troops' are listed as:
1 - greed
2 - discouragement
3 - hunger and thirst
4 - craving
5 - sleepiness
6 - fear
7 - doubt and regret
8 - anger
9 - preoccupation with fame, fortune and false glory
10 - arrogance and contempt for others.
All of these are devilish functions that arise within us.
In Buddhism, 'devils' or 'devilish functions' are defined as 'robbers of life' or 'robbers of benefit'. In other words, they drain away the life-force we need to lead positive lives, and rob us of the benefit we have accumulated. The ten kinds of troops and the devil king of the sixth heaven are not actual beings. They represent the inner workings of life. In that sense, attaining Buddhahood (a 'true' and victorious state of life characterised by unlimited courage, wisdom and compassion) is essentially a struggle not against external forces but against the destructive forces or negativity that reside within our own lives."

I had a lot of those devilish functions working in me the last few weeks, although I created a lot of value at the same time. It helped to read that and understand what are illusions created by the destructive forces within and it makes me better able to fix my goals in my head and my heart.

Anyway, thanks for reading if you read all that! Just wanted to leave things on a more positive note. I'll see you again sometime in the future!

Here's a page of doodles so this post isn't all text:

[Image: 5q5LeHu.jpg]

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 07-03-2016, 09:16 AM

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