JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Pax Thanks so much! I find the 'putting all eggs in one basket' situation really helps me to keep going. We always have a choice but when it's a hard choice like 'get good at art or do jobs you hate for the rest of your life', it's quite easy to keep the motivation up.

Tripna Thanks dude! Gestures and quick figures are probably my favourite thing, glad they are looking ok ^^

AV Thanks for the encouragement and for stopping by!

Some form and skull practices, plus a really crappy expression practice page that I really don't want to post (but I will because I don't want to curate just the decent stuff to upload).

[Image: eumTIEi.jpg]

[Image: oo3qtOt.jpg]

[Image: xQXJ0pT.jpg]
(seriously need to do more practice of characters interacting)

Didn't finish this next one but wanted to post it up cause I'm really buzzed about it! Finally starting to do comic pages (my first one since last Inktober - and my first page that was composed with all the panels fitting on one page). It's just an exercise really, dialogue is kind of cringing, but it was soooo fun to create this little world from my mind and make it real on paper.

The writing prompt was from Scott Mcloud's 'making comics' book and it was this one "Queen dies, then king dies of grief" and the exercise was to make a one page comic using only one transition type.

There are 6 transition types he identifies.

Moment to moment: seeing multiple frames of a character performing a single action
Action to action: different actions by one character played out over multiple frames (pulling cigarette packet out, removing a cigarette, putting it in mouth, lighting it etc.)
Subject to subject: switching to a different character in the next frame (ie in a conversation)
Scene to Scene: switching to a different physical location in the next frame
Aspect to Aspect: showing different parts of a single scene (ie close up of dirty ashtray, then empty beer cans, then a pile of dirty laundry)
Non-sequitor: An abstract string of images that don't seem to make sense

This page was done using 'scene to scene' transitions, so each new frame had to be in a different location in space or time. It was sooo fun to do this, gonna keep doing these exercises cause I love it, and I feel like I am finally moving towards my goal of professional comic artist!

(big version here: http://i.imgur.com/chw518y.jpg )

[Image: LcuFWX5.jpg]

the pencils actually looked much nicer than the ink - the ink was so rubbish (as you can see from the unpainted panels) I scanned it to add value in photoshop. So I need to work on my inking. I use the brush pen a lot but usually in super loose quick little drawings where I don't care about screwing up and things are nice and big. When there are all these tiny details and small faces with important expression I found it super super difficult. Plus using a lightbox on pencil under drawing it was too hard to see and trying to 're draw' stuff with ink and brush was beyond my level of skill (as you can see from some of the awkward errors). So I need to work on my process a bit, and practice inking more and more (and also think more about light when I rough stuff out so I can get some well placed blacks in there). Only way from here is up ^^

[Image: 6xuuLgV.jpg]

[Image: IbsccPT.jpg]

Comic book creator
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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 04-11-2016, 08:21 AM

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