Cupcake Kingdom--critiques/help needed
(11-20-2014, 02:01 PM)Jonesoda Wrote: Hey! made a video cause I suck at explaining stuff through text. Hope its helpful!

Nice man, thank you for that really helpful paint over!

I will definitely be using your composition change--I think it is a lot stronger than my original.

I also really liked your lighting comments and I never noticed how flat/unround the chocolate cupcake was until you pointed it out.

The tip about the gradient was awesome. I knew there was something like that but I don't really know as much about Photoshop and it's possibilities as I should.

Thanks again!

(you made a couple comments about the "flat nature" of some of the elements or the cartoony/floating look of the eyes. My pride forces me to point out that this piece is just in the initial stages and a lot of it is just sketched out, not rendered correctly. I can see where you would be confused though because I have a lot of highly rendered elements mixed in with sketchy ones. That isn't how I usually work. The little stuff like darker eyes or eye lids, etc. will be taken care of. I'd say this piece is about 20% done at this point so i have a long way to go but you've helped me a lot.)

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RE: Cupcake Kingdom--critiques/help needed - by myfellowamericans - 11-21-2014, 05:06 AM

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