Jaccarran's Book of productive fun
My drawings from yesterday I failed uploading due to a dead laptop. I'm feeling more comfortable drawing and may  move to value studies now. (Basic observation anyhow, getting gesture, energy, emotion into my drawings will be another thing.  I've got some Loomis books printed for that stage.)

To StoneTape, that's some really good advice.  Pushing a piece to completion is something I never really do often at all. In fact I heard one artist talking about  how drastic a difference there is between a comic book artist who has actually finished a comic and one that hasn't.  Also, your recent works remind me a bit of the artist Brom's  work, his oil paintings might help you guide yourself  in finishing pieces.

To herkkusieni,  WELCOME! No one would agree that you are not off to a great start.  Maybe to not confuse yourself focus when doing colours and detail, do one at a time.  If, seperately,  you can get detail in greyscale work and then  get your colour studies correct then combining colour and detail should be easier.   Also just like StoneTape was saying, taking the time to let the work progress is fundamental. Some other artist I forget the name of talked about how most  paintings become incredibly ugly before looking great  and that part of the challenge is pushing through that period.

Perhaps if instead of *excuse* *excuse* *excuse*,  I will just jump into drawing and all problems will be solved.

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Jaccarran's Book of productive fun - by Jacarran - 02-26-2016, 12:57 AM
RE: Jaccarran's Book of productive fun - by Janet - 03-04-2016, 03:07 PM
RE: Jaccarran's Book of productive fun - by Jacarran - 03-05-2016, 01:53 AM
RE: Jaccarran's Book of productive fun - by Janet - 03-05-2016, 07:32 AM

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