02-09-2017, 09:21 AM
kvSketch Haha yeah I probably was inspired by dave but well hes the man :D And thanks it was my parents car.
Vennosomn Thanks for the tip and you are absolutely right I need to do more structutral studies of the face. I will start with that right away!
Today was kinda lazy doodly haha. A sketch, trying to improve my lineart and be a bit bolder with my lines. And a WIP. Just exprerimenting with as many brushes as possible to ge a better feel with it. And to pracitce values.. cause I really need that. And finally a pig sketch. Only that part cause the rest of the page is shit
Vennosomn Thanks for the tip and you are absolutely right I need to do more structutral studies of the face. I will start with that right away!
Today was kinda lazy doodly haha. A sketch, trying to improve my lineart and be a bit bolder with my lines. And a WIP. Just exprerimenting with as many brushes as possible to ge a better feel with it. And to pracitce values.. cause I really need that. And finally a pig sketch. Only that part cause the rest of the page is shit