08-07-2017, 08:34 AM
Thanks bebz :P Now that you say it I can totally see what you mean with the hands. I will pay extra attention to it from now on!
ubem Thank you so much for the overpainting. You made my boring thing actually look like something *.* I will try to implement that in my next character
Well today an orc face thing some traditional stuff and a study.
Oh and btw i started a community challenge called supersunday. The name sucks i know but i am really bad with finding names for anything. Its basically a thread where you post a finished piece every sunday. Im always so lazy when it comes to finishing stuff so i thought that way i stay motivated and have a deadline i can focus on. If you wanna join please do :D
ubem Thank you so much for the overpainting. You made my boring thing actually look like something *.* I will try to implement that in my next character
Well today an orc face thing some traditional stuff and a study.
Oh and btw i started a community challenge called supersunday. The name sucks i know but i am really bad with finding names for anything. Its basically a thread where you post a finished piece every sunday. Im always so lazy when it comes to finishing stuff so i thought that way i stay motivated and have a deadline i can focus on. If you wanna join please do :D