need help with painting from reference
My experience with oil and acrylics is that more layers are necessary to get the refined look, at least that is how it works for me.

I paint primarily in oils. And what Artloader syas about starting in greyscale is good. I like to start with an underpainting with burned umber, or with a grisaille and then glaze over it. The grisaille helps a lot to get the values in skin tones right, is less necessary for other subjects.

And maybe something to keep in mind; You can use acrylics and than oil to speed up the process. Just not the other way around. The paint will crack.

And I think you are off to a good start with that painting! Good luck :)


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RE: need help with painting from reference - by Eyliana - 04-05-2017, 04:32 AM

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