MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again
(01-03-2019, 01:19 AM)darktiste Wrote: Copying is an operation of accuracy not of quantity.The only reason you would have additional portrait is if you really work to fast.A drawing should be build in a manageable approach for a beginner.I recommend you go see the #41 post of this thread where i shown you a few technique to visually measure and construction the head.If you avoid loomis you will be kinda doom to copying and will not be able to invent your own stuff.Drawing realistic object inside box is the basis of drawing.

I seem to be having tons of trouble with Looms so maybe going back to the basics will help. I tried using what I learned from him on all my previous portraits but it seems like progress was extraordinarily slow. Maybe doing something even more rudimentary will help.

(01-03-2019, 07:20 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: Better likenesses again esp that dude with the moustache but yeah I think you finally really do need to stop grinding on portraits so much at this point. They are one of the hardest things to get down well. I am STILL confused why and how far 'off' the first iterations of those portraits are. Why do you do that...what is the purpose of allowing yourself to be so sloppy? All you are training is how to draw sloppy shit. Calm down slow down. You really aren't taking advantage of the advice given in the discord and here so I hope you do change it up as you mentioned :)

Having said that the photos you are picking are not ideal. Use ones with one single light source that cast noticeable shadows across the forms, at first. You want to be able to see distinct shadows because that makes it easier to identify, map and then describe form easier. Here are some examples i save on pinterest..not all great but most follow that rule.

I like your dedication but it might be better to focus on the more fundamental things first..such as drawing basic primitive forms believably. Beginners often speed through the actual fundamentals exercises like a schizophrenic thinking just because they spent a bit of time on it they get it. You can see it is very common esp on this forum lol. I like that you aren't doing that but you will get more 'traction' by actually slowing down and training the basics first

You might want to consider online subscription to watts or NMA. Watts has structured basic exercises and video demos with a logical meaningful progression and challenge build up. and I think you would do better with at least some curriculum to follow even if not IRL

The first small portraits are generally there for me to go over quickly. It is to help me discover what areas I would have problems with. If they're really not helpful I'll stop doing those in favor of spending more time on the final one

I seem to have gotten side tracked by my own desire to want to learn certain things first. I did portraits because I really hated how poorly they were turning out. I disliked how any time I drew someone they would barely appear human most of the time. I suppose I need to learn to follow the advice given to me instead of wasting time on other things.

About the photos. I apologize for not picking ones that would be ideal for this sort of practice. I thought the only difficulties I was having with them would be from my own lack of skill.

This time I managed to get through all of the "Drawing Fundamentals Phase I" vidoes that Watts had. I spent a significant amount of time with these. I plan on moving on to Drawing Fundamentals Phase II next. If I need to spend more time on these, let me know. It's difficult for me to tell when I should move on or stay with the same subject matter.

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RE: MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again - by MagneticScrolls - 01-24-2019, 05:57 PM

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