Bonesworth's Questionable Quality Drafting Book
Hello, Fedodika! Thanks for the feedback. Your tips are on point: I am planning to dedicate 1 hour for drawing daily, so, like you said, it must be focused (and daily. If I don't have too much time I must be at least consistent).

I will try to do exactly as you said. Trying to learn something each day and analyse it.

By the way, you mentioned Proko's course. Let me ask 2 questions about them:

1) I'm not very interested in doing photorealism... I really like more of a character design/comic art stuff. However I do understand the importance of knowing to draw your surrounds. Taking this in consideration, could I skip portrait drawing and go directly to figure and then anatomy?

2) Besides Proko, do you know other good paid sources? I did one course in Udemy about anatomy and while serviceable, I think it could had gone better.

(And come on! Your Sketchbook is great! I know my opinion isn't that important (being pratically a baby in drawing), but I like it.)

By the way, I just remembered that I do have to set some goals, people!

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RE: Bonesworth's Questionable Quality Drafting Book - by bonesworth - 12-01-2018, 11:52 PM

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